Sunday, August 5, 2007

This Morning's Republican Debate

I caught some of this morning's debate between the Republican Party's presidential candidates, and I must say I am really unimpressed with what I saw. Can't these guys be a little more original? I'm tired of hearing about these guys spew the same crap all other members of the GOP throw out. Don't talk about family values and all of this other warm, fuzzy crap. Although I'm sure you have good intentions for this nation with your imposing your values upon the everyone (David Vitter, anyone?), cut to the chase and tell me something that is relevant and/or true about this country and why you can run this country better than the people currently in office. As far as I'm concerned, the only two people that managed to do this today were Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul. Rudy, McCain, Romney, and the rest of the hopefuls could take a page from these two gentlemen.

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