Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I haven't been awake for five minutes, and I've already heard Dubya use a four-syllable word. I'm not sure if he used it in the right context (I missed how he used it), but he rattled off "disaggregate," which he described as "a fancy word."

Additionally, Bush says he and the other people in government not from Louisiana understand what the Gulf Coast (New Orleans in particular) is going through. What a load of crap! Hell, the politicos representing Louisiana in Washington don't know what's going on down here half of the time. If they did, the money that was allocated to strengthen the levees would have been used for that purpose instead of being used to fund PORK PROJECTS. Brownie sure as hell didn't do a heck of a job, and our governments--local, state, and federal--aren't doing much better.

More on this later today as we observe the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

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